27 January 2012

Mariners Media Luncheon

"This is going to be a challenging year at the big league level. Let's not kid ourselves."

Definitely a quote that was greeted with inquisitive stares. One thing I do love about Zduriencik:  he is certainly honest...

But he's right. 2012 could be a rough year, though at the same time, there is plenty of room for it to arouse some of those forgotten emotions such as excitement, joy, and thrill. It isn't all doom and gloom, and even though the above quote may suggest that you fasten your seat belt and brace for a bumpy ride, 2012 is going to be a fun year - a year to watch our seeds grow.

There were a lot of things said during the Mariners Media Luncheon. Some meaningful, some less than meaningful. The big theme was "Stick with the plan". Z and Co. are asking the fans not to bail. They admitted that no plan, including theirs, is fool proof, but they just want fans to stay the course. The proof is in the pudding. The organization has already started to produce talent at the Major League level.

Some Major highlights included Wedge's thoughts on moving Ichiro out of the lead off spot, and Guti's regenerated muscle. Other news included Smoak dropping pounds with Mike Carp, Saunders refocusing himself, declaration of Figgins as a super utility-man, and that Casper Wells is healthy and vertigo free. Like I said, some of it matters and some of it doesn't. All of this has to work on the diamond to mean anything.

Z may believe that next year is going to be challenging, but that doesn't mean it won't be entertaining. The Mariners have talent and it's all culminating right in front of the fans. As long as I have that, I won't find it the least bit challenging to watch.

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