24 January 2012

Prince Fielder Finally Finds a Home

It is January 24th, 2012 and Prince Fielder has finally found a home. It has been about as drawn out a process as a sports fan can take. 

Prince Fielder is now a Tiger, not a Mariner, in a surprise twist that really didn't make any sense until Victor Martinez went and ruined his season. The Tigers are going to regret this contract sometime in the near future, and the Mariners...won't.

It'll be interesting to find out in the coming weeks just how into this the Mariners really were. There have been all sorts of various reports and rumors ranging from the Mariners being the team willing to give the most money, to the Mariners just lying in the weeds and waiting. It'll be interesting to see if we actually find out the depth of the Mariners involvement.

Anyway, I'm certainly glad it's over.


  1. It's all over but the crying. In many ways, given the M's history when signing big names, I am relieved on some level that we won't have endure the disappointment of another Ritchie Sexson or most recently, a Chone Figgins. I'd rather be surprised by a lesser known having a breakout season and then parlaying that into a Hall of Fame career. At least with a new prospect, the expectations are more manageable going in.

  2. Yes! The Tigers are going to hate that contract when Prince becomes old overnight. They overpaid, by a long shot.
